Robert Ambrogi's LawSites
fillTracking new and intriguing Web sites for the legal profession.

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Robert Ambrogi,
a lawyer
in Rockport, MA, is vice president for editorial services at Jaffe Associates and director of WritersForLawyers.

He is author of the book, The Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web

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Friday, February 13, 2004
A free legal news feed for your Web site
Jurist's Paper Chase is a regularly updated legal news service edited at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law by Professor Bernard Hibbitts and a volunteer staff of more than 30 law students. Now, you can add this news feed to your Web site simply by adding a single line of HTML code. Here are complete instructions.

Beard on RSS vs. Atom news feeds
Jeff Beard has an interesting post this morning, The Great RSS vs. Atom News Feed Debate, about the decision by Google-owned Blogger to use the Atom format rather than RSS for Web log syndication. One observation: Jeff writes, "There are many news aggregator programs and web site services that work with RSS, but very few will read Atom at the moment." According to the Atom site, there are a dozen compatible newsreaders, including NewsMonster, NewsGator, NewzCrawler, BottomFeeder and Shrook.

Thursday, February 12, 2004
Links to state laws available on the Web
I have posted a comprehensive set of links to state laws available on the Web. The list spans all states as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

New Web site "makes it happen"
Having worked on the team that created it, I am pleased to announced the launch of the totally redesigned Web site of Jaffe Associates, the business development consultancy for professional service firms where I am a vice president. The site showcases the key Web technologies and design elements that we at Jaffe recommend to our own clients. These include buttons that make it easy to e-mail or print a page, to adjust the font size of a page, and to navigate the site more easily. The design is intended to reflect the firm’s tagline, "Making it Happen."